Suleika, you must have felt us all thinking about you. Thanks for the post card and please take whatever time you need. We will be right here when you are able to return. Sending much love and energy to you, Jon and your fluffy nuggets (especially Lentil).

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Oh Suleika, hoping that you can feel us all standing around you creating an energetic blanket of goodness as you rest and are held by Mama Earth 🫶🏻

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Thank you for modeling what it means to take the space you need, to let 'unable' be allowed, to tend to self. Your absence is part of your presence. xx

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This itself is precious. Thank you.

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Enjoy the coming days of August Sulieka. 'Unable' is powerful and yet really very simple....'unable'. When it takes up residence it asks for quiet and space...please stay there until 'you are able'. Tender mercies to you and Jon~

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Enjoy the last Dog Days of Summer! Those of us on the cancer journey breathe differently and

look through a different lens - and there is SO much to be grateful for! Rest!

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I love reading all of our comments to Suleika.

We are learning how to give permission to take care of ourselves and generously support others when they need it.

“What wonderous love is this.

Oh my soul…what wonderous love this

… I hear Melanie singing…❤️

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Hello Suleika - dearest one . Thank you for your precious grace of sending this postcard to all us who love and appreciate you so very very much . It puts my heart at ease just to hear words from you as I think of you often and kept telling myself that when you could you would communicate in some way . Know that my heart is with you on your journey . We’ve never met but my heart and brain connect with all that I know of you . And I love you and cheer you on . You help make my journey as an elder a more enlightened one .

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Was thinking of you yesterday and missing your posts of Friday joys and your thoughtful Sundays. Miss your voice. Holding you in the light.

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Uncanny. I think of you, Suleika. And, there you are. Energetics is a powerful experience. I am sending you love beyond words. Across the mikes. On my forest walk, today, I was thinking of the full circle moment I had hugging you close in Frenchtown. Not once, but twice. Since meeting you in 2011 we have shared some precious memory moments, as AYA cancer advocates, dining together with your dear friends on a sun baked balcony in Las Vegas, sharing stories, belly laughing and watching the dancing water fountains at the Bellagio, all the while sipping fancy cocktails. How I got to write for the Huffington post because of you. How I hot I got to honour and share Sara’s legacy because of you - all things that make my heart sing and my breath flow.

Sending you much love, always. From the wilds of BC, hugs and kisses, Pat

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I've missed you and your wise words so much. I hope this time has been restorative and that you are not getting caught in the productivity trap. Love to you.

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Suleika, I was just thinking of you this very morning. I’m certain that all of us in your community are surrounding you a circle of unconditional love and support grounded in Mother Earth. May the beautiful days of summer continue to nurture and delight you. I hope you take all the time you need for yourself and your loved ones. Sending you much love!🌸🌼🌺🌞🌟🌈🪷💖

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Fuck the newsletter -even though we love it, please take off as much time as you need. Model it for us...Say Fuck it, we love you and want what's best for you! I look forward to hearing from you when you are in a place to do so. Until then....We love you girl and are sending you lovingkindness!

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Take care of yourself, dear Suleika. For whatever reasons you have, don't worry. You have built a strong community over the years and although I miss your uplifting Sunday's Newsletters and Friday's Joy of the Week, this group also works vice versa - we will be here for you whenever you need us and are very understanding ❤️ Love to you, Jon & dog squad 🐶🐾

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Hi Suleika - I hope you are okay. And I mean really okay in the same way as you ask "how are you really?" With an illness like AML the path is paved with uncertainty. It's got twists and can wind like spirals up and down! And that doesn't include the ins and outs of a normal life with all the interwoven paths of those we love.

I hope you feel able take all the time you need. If Holly and Carmen need support to run this group then many here I'm sure would step in. At the very least be understanding. May be perhaps a weekly posting is too ambitious right now,. Any how, you are in my thoughts and I just want to thank you again for the inspiration and creativity you encourage. I'm currently in the middle of one unexpected project and dithering about starting another. In theory I should be dead by now but I'm just doing what I can do while I can do it. Oh and I'm in a poetry group and discovered last week that all these people had read and loved Max Rita's poems. Big hug from Scotland xxx

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Suleika, you have been on my mind quite a bit as your absence has opened space for me to indulge my neurotic worry habit! I hope you -- and Jon -- are well, and that life has been good to you and for you these last weeks. I await your return patiently. Return only when you know its the right and healthy thing for you. We'll wait as long as you need.

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I hope you’re well can’t wait to hear from. You. I’m in Frenchtown going to see your show today!

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