This doesn’t seem bleak to me at all! Our society sees any acknowledgment of mortality as a threat but that’s not true in many other cultures and it’s not healthy because we go to great lengths to deny death. I think it’s beautiful that in your grief you realized that your Dad would be there for your granddaughter.
This doesn’t seem bleak to me at all! Our society sees any acknowledgment of mortality as a threat but that’s not true in many other cultures and it’s not healthy because we go to great lengths to deny death. I think it’s beautiful that in your grief you realized that your Dad would be there for your granddaughter.
This doesn’t seem bleak to me at all! Our society sees any acknowledgment of mortality as a threat but that’s not true in many other cultures and it’s not healthy because we go to great lengths to deny death. I think it’s beautiful that in your grief you realized that your Dad would be there for your granddaughter.
Thank you!