Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

reaching deep inside

peace is patiently waiting

beauty in stillness

Happy summer wishes to you and your dear family♥️

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LOVE haiku❣️

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This haiku captures everyone's inner self. Thank you for helping me reach into mine.

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thank you for your kind words, Christine ❤️

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

"To sleep perchance to dream"...W.S.

Enjoy your respite, retreat, rejuvenation! May you find stillness, boredom and refreshment in July under the Summer Moon...New Inspiration and Alignment, always...Thank You for all you do and do not do, Suleika-- 💜from this very early Admirer

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Immense respect for you, Suleika—your self awareness is deeply inspiring. All the best and see you when you return (no pressure tho!). ♥️

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Love this. Permission to take time off is so important, overlooked and essential to our health and happiness! And I love the idea of a to-feel list. Top of mine would be playfulness and joy, closely followed by deep rest and peace.... Will ponder how to action these 🤔

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Suleika, I too have always connected my self worth to my output - what I can accomplish in a day, week, etc. determines if I have had a good or bad day. My husband laughs at my constant lists and how crossing items off each day gives me great pleasure. Having to carry over an item to the next day, not so much! You are an amazing lady and I have great respect for how you have fought for your life and extended your horizons into art and your writing. It's not easy to take time for ourselves but you certainly deserve it so try to sit back and relax and just enjoy the world around you!

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Blessings, Suleika.

Several months ago I began an exploration of Non-violent Communication, the work of Marshall Rosenberg. This is a global program, inviting people from all over the world to meet, via zoom, and explore this work. Given the challenges we humans all face, this seemed to me to be a necessary adventure. As I write this I am sitting with two sheets of paper. Printed on one is a list of feelings we all share. How poignant that the vast list of fulfilled feelings is yet shorter than the list of unfulfilled feelings. I never knew, nor was exposed, until now, to the subtle feelings we have available to us. This is an amazing vocabulary, a rich language.

Paper number two contains needs and values we all share. Again, a vast list of human needs and values. For me, a new vocabulary to explore.

I grew up in a family where feelings and needs were ignored, discouraged, and threatened. When asked “how are you doing(notice the lack of feeling)”, the expected response was “I am fine, busy”.

Doing something was the menu of our days. “Keeping busy”.

So, here we are, living in a world busy struggling to survive. And, we are paying the price of busy productivity and the neglect of our inner lives.

Suleika, I am looking forward to visiting your art. And I am inspired equally by your choice to honor and explore rest and being with family, loved ones, and the Beautiful world of feelings. Blessings🏮🕯️

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I am so excited - another practitioner of "NVC"! When reading Sky Baynes article about "feelings", I yearned for more people to understand what prompts those feelings - it's NEEDS, our very human needs, beautiful things, such as peace, authenticity, being seen, connection - here's a link to a list- https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5785b85b15d5dbb0fab56c26/t/5c4bf8c94fa51a7413a738e9/1548482762071/3.Feelings+List.pdf

and a link to a needs list: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5785b85b15d5dbb0fab56c26/t/5e41e77bae7d841bf59cc023/1581377403978/Needs+List-2020.pdf

These links are from https://www.orenjaysofer.com/ Oren is a Buddhist mindfulness instructor as well as a teacher of non-violent communication (although the name "non-violent communication" made sense back in the times of Martin Luther King Jr., when NVC was written, the name doesn't serve so well now because many people think "I don't speak violently, why should I learn NVC?" If that popped into your mind, I ask you to call this process "compassionate communication" and take a look.. For me, it's the "toolbox" for Buddhist right thought and right speech, as it is for Oren. There are many youtube videos about nvc, I like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEQTvEhQCFs. And there's the book by Marshall Rosenberg that started this "needs awareness" - Non-violent Communication. May your needs be met!

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Thank you for leading by example and giving us all permission to rest along with you. As a young adult cancer survivor thinking in a renewed way about the limits of time (and someone who was already prone to cocoon myself in busy-ness before the diagnosis), I feel such urgency to fill my weeks with productivity and experiences, especially when fatigue looms large at the end of each day -- but I have recently been finding so much relief in slowing down to rest and (trying!) to accept that a peaceful, even lazy day is not too good to be true or a problem to be solved. Wishing you comfort and ease!

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"even a lazy day is not too good to be true or a problem to be solved." Thank you for this, Elena. ❤️

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

I was wondering how you powered through and when you were going to relax - enjoy your timely relaxation in every way possible - 😀🎂🌺🩷

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Paucity. (n) use in painting- that space or break in visual information that is as essential to the picture as any stroke. As life as in art - enjoy your break. :))

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Love this! ❤️

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Great decision, dear Suleika! Relax, enjoy the time with your loved ones and be bored! Wishing you a pleasantly lazy summer ❤️🙌

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

And in the rest

Let the joy of not doing


May the sanctity of silence, save for the sound of summer, grace your ears

And in the great lull, may you be restored and renewed.

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This is beautiful!

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Dalaiah, thank you. I will miss this group.

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Thank you, Karen. I discovered that in order to let myself "be restored and renewed" I had to make appointments for things I have been putting off...I feel a lightness now.

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I’m a new reader and thrilled to discover I live about 20 minutes from Frenchtown! I’m also now looking forward to checking out your art show! Enjoy your hiatus.

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You will not be disappointed. Incredible exhibit!

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Thank you! Looking forward to it

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Please take best care of yourself. Rest. Restore. Relax. Be safe and let your beautiful family love you and care for you. Think of all your body has been through. I know very personally, that when you are having strong scary experiences with your physical self, all you want to do is … TO DO! Everything. All the things. All the time. But your body has been defending itself and working hard to heal itself. Your spirit has been, too. And that requires energy beyond the imagination’s reach. I am thrilled that you are well enough to be busy enough to need to rest. Does that make any sense? 😄 It’s an inspiration for many of us who aren’t well enough to need to rest from being well enough to get tired! Not only is this community a lifeline. You yourself, are one too. And that can sap you of all forms of energy as well. I’m so happy to think of you traveling and resting and enjoying time with Jon and all your loved ones that I have tears in my eyes. Don’t even worry about ‘being present’ for the relaxation either. Zero pressure. Just bask. It’s an investment in the beautiful human who has gotten through so much. Sending peace and love. And magical tulips.

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It does make sense. Thank you! ❤️

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

Fabulous, Suleika. Wishing your days to be filled with love, music, puppy dog kisses, yummy food, flowers, the sea and a smattering of insightful boredom. 😁🎶❤️💐😎❤️

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How dreamy of you to show love and care to yourself and your beloved Jon and family. We are here for a short time, for some, shorter than others. Here’s to feelings: boredom, love, peace in one’s heart, being a storyteller to the amazing history of one’s life , with all of its love, pain and sorrow, creating stories to make people laugh at the absurdity of life, and to allow creativity to flourish during the so called boring times. To be able to live in the moment, and allow myself to always take in the love of others. And to finally feel being Jewish is fine, no matter how hateful people are to people who look or feel different

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Jun 30Liked by Suleika Jaouad

you do and have done so much, thank you. i hope that you’re able to enjoy the most peaceful time doing whatever you want or nothing at all with your people and furry friends. 🫶💓🫂🤞💪

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