My 100 day project has two parts--listening to the audiobook of Virginia Woolf’s The Waves for 5 minutes. Then I will use something with in it--a phrase, an image, an idea, an atmosphere--as a springboard to write for at least ten minutes.

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More Virginia Woolf? Lord have mercy 😂❤️

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Touché, my friend 😂

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Mar 28, 2022
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Lol, I wish!

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I love using existing literature as a journaling source. I have done this 1:1 with friends too, it's a great way to do a writers/readers "book club" of sorts. The experience of listening v. reading can also open up so much!

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I hope you will post on the TIJ FB page so we can see inside your brilliant mind, Carmen.

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What a unique and creative approach! Love it, Carmen!

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Oh my gosh. I think I will copy you. I haven’t read The Waves in over twenty years, and Patti Smith just read a snippet of it aloud on her Substack to honor VW’s death anniversary the other day. So, the universe is pointing me toward this. Thank you!

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Yay for another dabbling in The Waves!

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Oh yes I listened to this and loved!

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Love the idea to use an excerpt of someone else's writing as a prompt!

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I love this idea, Carmen!

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I love this idea!

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Mar 27, 2022
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I’m sitting in that purgatorial space between kingdoms, one month post autologous stem cell transplant for multiple myeloma. Leading up to and during my time in hospital, I blogged like my life depended on it, and now it’s come to a screeching halt. So! My 100 day project will be to pick up from where I left off, focusing on sharing perhaps useful information for others preparing for SCT. I include photos and personal stories so that will continue as well as the daily beach walks that feed my creative soul and give me space to grieve. To this community and Suleika, thank you for so generously sharing your stories. - Amy J.

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Oh Amy, I’m in a similar purgatorial space, and I so feel you. While I was in the hospital I was surprisingly prolific, but since I’ve been home, it’s been a struggle to walk, to move, to do much of anything. I too am so looking forward to the structure of the 100-day project and know from experience how transformative it can be. I hope it proves to be the same for you. Thinking of you in solidarity and love ❤️

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Sending hugs and prayers!

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Thank you!

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Suleika-Sending you healing thoughts and keeping you in my prayers.

On May 16th, my husband and I will be traveling from Seattle to our new home in Palm Coast, FL. We will begin our 100 day project on the first day of our journey. We will be writing an inspirational quote (I've been collecting these for years knowing I would use them for something one day) on a rock and painting it with a simple design. We will be saving one of our masterpieces for our new garden and leaving one where we camp or at one of our stops along a route.

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Wendy, you ROCK!!!

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Susu, I think you’re going to need to rethink your pun to pain med ratio 😂

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I loved the pun! Thanks! Hope you’re having a good day! 🌞💐🌻❤️🙏

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I love the “Random Act of Kindness” of leaving the inspiring rocks along the path on your way to your new home!

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I love this idea. During the pandemic a neighbor of mine starting leaving random painted and collaged river stones around the neighborhood. She left a couple in my flower garden and we saw them on our dog walks every day and each time we found a new one it was like finding a treasure.

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Just a small gesture like this can bring a smile and transform your day! Enjoy!

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Mar 27, 2022
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Thanks Amy! I know this will lift your heart and so many others who will benefit from your creative kindness! 🤗🙏💕

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I have identified a place not far from my home. I will go there each day to sit silently and observe the wildlife around me as it reveals itself. Time of day will vary. Length of sitting time will vary. 100 days.

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Sitting silently observing the wildlife sounds like a dream. May you savor each moment of it ❤️

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This sounds so peaceful and grounding and cup filling. Also such a good time of year to do it--so much growth and change!

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My 100 day project will be to write one sentence each day.

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Love the simplicity of this, and the way each one will resonate on its own and in tandem with the rest ❤️

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That is such an encouraging take on this challenge! Even I can write a sentence a day! :)

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I love this!

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Dearest Suleika

Always an inspiration even in your present journey. You give me such hope. I can’t wait until Sunday mornings to read your morning inspirations.

I’ve been in a funk these weeks. I quit work last December for health and safety reasons. After 40 years of food styling for photography and food writing for publications meeting deadlines upon deadlines, it was time to cut the umbilical cord. Tough to do because deadlines are bit like a soother. Take them away and I found I was left looking for a replacement. Drank a few too many glasses of wine this winter as I shuffled about the house in my robe longing for a purpose. Someone said retirement is like that – a void that needs filling. Well, I hoped it wasn’t by way of self medication. I’m taking enough medication in my metastatic 12 year cancer journey. Currently in a holding pattern thanks to modern science. ✈️ ✈️ And I’m longing to rewire, not retire.

My darling husband always quotes my favourite Mary Oliver line when I'm in a slump, “What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~ Mary Oliver. Feb 16, 2016

In his wisdom he reached for a measuring tape. Stretched it out to 80 inches, each inch replicating a year. “You’re here,” he points to 66 inches. “Let’s say you make it to 80 (which would be a tremendous feat given I’m a petri dish for cancer cells). “You only have these many inches left.” It’s a startling visual exercise at 66. 👀 👀 Let me tell you.

I’m going to resubscribe to The Isolation Journals as I’m not sure if my membership is nearing an end or not. You’re like an electrical plug in and I would hate to lose the power. You remind me that anything is possible. And I simply cannot miss what inspiration you might feed me in my journey going forward.

I’m going to draft myself a creative contract over the next couple of days. Thank you for that suggestion. Steadfast healing, dear Suleika. You are a constant beacon of inspiration.

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Wow, that scene of your sweet husband and the measuring tape is going to stay with me for a very long time. Such a powerful reminder for all of us, no matter what age. Thankful to have you in this community, Irene, and sending love ❤️

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I love to hear this one: "I'm longing to rewire, not retire." I'm with you my friend! You'd have to stretch the measuring tape out a little farther for me, but who cares? We've got now, we've got today, we've got this minute to make a new choice. Wishing you all the best!

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beautiful words. wow... the measuring tape. blessings on your journey.

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I've been struggling with retirement for the past year and a half, never sure if my lost sense of purpose is related more to the pandemic isolations or my lost career, probably a combination. I've slowly been cobbling together volunteer commitments, easier as the pandemic recedes, and finally feel I've begun to strike a balance with several flexible-time activities that involve engagement with other people and institutions in the community. You are doing great, keep on!

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Reading all these wonderful project ideas is quite inspiring. I would like to do something around the theme of learning to swim in the ocean of uncertainty. I have a progressive vision disease (glaucoma) which has not been an issue until the last 2 years, during which I've had one surgery and a noticeable degredation of vision. Where it will go from here is uncertain. This has, on many days, hijacked my life and resulted in a tendency to pull back from the world.

I haven't fully formed this yet, but I am thinking of something like, each day do at least one act of turning attention outward and engaging with the world, however small that might be, and regardless of whatever feelings of uncertainty and anxiety are present. I have one 10-day hiking trip planned, which I wasn't going to do, but this has given me a nudge to do it.

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This is beautiful and so moving, Brian. I do hope you go on that 10-day hiking trip and that you let us know how it goes. In any case, I love the idea of one daily act of turning outward toward the world. It reminds me a bit of what I set out to do on my road trip in the aftermath of my first time getting sick. Much love ❤️

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Thank you Suleika. Your book and road trip were (and are) certainly an inspiration. (and BTW, I am definitely going on the hiking trip!)

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Sending you lots of encouragement, Brian. I'm sorry about the glaucoma; that is a very tough challenge. Love the hiking trip idea--do it! And sharing yourself with the world is a gift only you can give. And it's a gift the world needs! Be well and cheers!

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Sharing oneself with the world as a gift -- I like that. Thank you!

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As I read what you wrote, "Sharing oneself with the world as a gift", a famous quote, by Marianne Williamson, I'm sure you will recognize, comes to mind, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"

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I love this too!

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Love this. Thank you!

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How beautiful your response was, Beth!

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Feel the fear and do it anyway... one step leads to many! Good luck!

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thank you!

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“Turning attention outward.” Beautiful.

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Yes, however small. Love this.

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For my 100 day project, I’m going to shoot one photo a day on film. I just had my 3rd baby, so life feels very overwhelming at the moment. On the good days I hope to make the one frame very intentional, on the harder days I’ll make a photo of whatever is right in front of me. I’m going to wait to have all the film developed until the end!

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Oh, the beauty of this--a true chronicle of a gorgeous transition! Congrats on baby number three ❤️

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I love this so much, Kate, and can’t wait to see what you capture ❤️

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What a cool idea Kate! Capturing intentional( or not) moments to look back on at the end of the 100 days . I don’t have a real camera but will use my phone I think and put all the photos in a folder and print them in a photo book at the end . No editing no deleting . Just the serendipity and surprise of it all .

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Forget it- I’m getting a used camera . Too much time on my phone !

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How fun!! Taking a photo on “actual film” and then waiting to see them is amazing! I remember how exciting it was to go get my pictures from the drug store! It is fun to have the instant gratification of seeing pics on our phones, but reading your post made me realize that I actually do miss pulling out my pictures from that yellow envelope!

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You are wise to pace yourself. You will have so many surprises as you revisit your captures! Love it!

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I love this! I will be walking into neighborhoods never explored and finding beauty…I love doors and windows but surprises are fun.

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Fabulous prompt as always.

I commit to writing exactly 100 words a day of advice from my 100-year-old-self.

Stream of consciousness little letter writing. No editing.

I did this during the height of pandemic and created little circular drawings -- and I look back on these little bits of wisdom now and smile. Our older selves have such perspective and wisdom.

Carmen, thank you. Suleika, thank you... too... and I wish you profound healing.

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Susan, I love this so much ❤️

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Yes, to no editing!

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Love this. Enough yo consider copying you!

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I don't paint, I don't take photos for inspiration, I don't even have enough time to read all that I would like to read, and the garden will not quite be ready enough to commit to100 things, as a builder, carpenter, constructor though, I do have tools and I have labeled the calendar for later in the week - my project will be to fix, clean, care for, lubricate and/or nurture - one tool per day for my 100 days.

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Can't wait to see those shiny tools!

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Can’t wait to put those shiny tools to use on some new harebrained project. Hugs, angel man, and watch out for aliens!

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My 100 day project is to write a letter to my heart each day. I want to acknowledge and have empathy for her wounds, both seen and unseen, her joys, struggles and resilience.

As a creative act, but separate from this project, I’m picking up the cello.

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I love the idea of writing a letter to your heart each day. It reminds me of a practice that Liz Gilbert talked about in her Studio Visit—of writing in her journal every day a letter from love. If you haven’t watched it yet, I highly recommend it. Love you so much, friend ❤️

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Thank you, friend! This was just what I needed, discipline and fear and Liz's witty, brilliant ways of wrangling them! But talk about the shiny object of distraction doing "The Dance of the Seven Veils"...those earrings of hers. I had a boner for those and wanted reach through the screen and snag them!

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I will watch! Thank you!

I think it will be healing. So much there, both physically and emotionally. Love you so very much.❤️

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Suleika, you have been in my thoughts. You constantly inspire me (I hope that’s ok to say) in terms of how you continue to create. You don’t let circumstances stop you.

Yes, I love this and it reminds me of this TED talk that I show my students, that moves me every single time I watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-HYZv6HzAs It’s about self confidence but what reminded me was when he spoke about writing a letter to yourself reminding yourself of everything you have accomplished. It’s similar to what Jen Pastiloff had us do in her work shop. I will check out Liz’s talk too! Sending you lots of light.

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Love this, Jennifer ❤️❤️

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Oh Jennifer, your response moved me greatly and reminds me how important it is to have compassion for myself.. thank you!!!

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It’s a work in progress, isn’t it? I fortunate to have these 100 to develop this important habit!

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Yes. Wonderful idea. ☀️

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Mar 27, 2022
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Thank you!❤️

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My 100 day project will be to dance to 1 song everyday! The goal is to feel elevated and joyful after the each song and to explore my body and it's desire to naturally express itself to music.

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Love this! Enjoy! ❤️

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My 100 day project will involve food. I will prepare one meal, or snack, every day with a consciousness towards beauty and nutrition. I will take a photo of this meal or snack. I'm doing this to honor and nourish my body and also to generate a daily gratitude practice for everyone and everything it takes to produce food. I will use creativity to develop appreciation and make my food prettier. I won't be posting my "food porn" anywhere!

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“A consciousness towards beauty and nutrition”—I love this. But please do post a few food porn pics? Would love to see what you’re making!

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I love this!! Thank you for sharing! ✨🤎

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I wanna write. I need to start indenting the first line of every paragraph. This left justify thing is symptomatic of my inability to breathe, to rest, to admit to a pause. I am too much left justified. And this is my first block.

Maybe for 100 days I'll indent more. Let pause happen. The closest I come to pause, to rest, to respite, to ennui is ellipsis. I dot dot dot (and occasionally four-dot) my way to exhaustion. It’s like having a conversation while you're folding laundry, or texting while you’re on a Zoom meeting, or asking someone who wants to talk with you if they can talk while you walk to your car, the copier, your next meeting. “Can you walk with me?”

I need to find some purchase of rest, a lip of rock for tired feet, a shaded bench, the steps in the shallow end of a swimming pool. I don’t have to tread water, create tension in the belay rope, or shield my eyes. I can just rest. For 100 days?!

I am loath to be bored. Perhaps I fear my own creativity. Block number 2. I am afraid of my own voice. That may be symptomatic of my codependent inclinations. I’m always listening for and seeking to match your pitch and tone. I am terrified of singing out loud. Really out loud.

I think my accountability might be found with my daughter. She’s a terrific writer. Intimidating. She’s better read than I am. She has never feared the sound of her own voice. She might be both mentor and muse.

Just write for 30 minutes every day. Don’t self-edit. Let someone else edit. Shit...let someone else read. My work is to speak. Let someone else listen.

I just wanna be okay with “wanna.” Contractions. Contradictions. The half-baked. The shot from the hip and the ensuing ricochets. I wanna feel my shoulders settle into their sockets. I wanna read something I wrote and be moved, just moved because it is honest and it is all exhale.

That’s it. More exhale. One hundred days of anxious but fearless exhale. So grateful for this invitation.

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This discursive exploration of your project is gorgeously written. I want to read more!

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Same here. I can feel the power in your words. And it reminds me how much stunning beauty there is in raw vulnerably. While I adore interacting in person, I think there is so much beauty to engaging with you all through the written word. Chris, I encourage you (my unsolicited advice) to keep writing. You have a lot to say.


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Well said!

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"I wanna feel my shoulders settle into their sockets."

Oh this.

I've never read it worded this way before and I already know it's left an indelible print in my mind. This is how I'll remind myself to breathe: "Settle your shoulders into their sockets". The rest will fall into place.

I love your words and the humanity you breathe into them. I'd love to read you. Thank you.

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Dear Chris ... I'm so with you ... especially on the Exhale! I've been doing a practice where, when I remember to do it, I count my exhales. So I'll be practicing the no-edit writing along with the exhaling, right onto the page.

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I’m with you Chris! I totally relate to what you’re saying. Me too.  if I need to learn anything with this project, it is the Art of slowing down. ☮️

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Dear Me. Stand up and be counted(give your name) Your writing is alive with emotion and rawness. I love it and it inspired me to want to talk too, throw my voice out THERE also. Just lost my darling wife of 45 years a month ago and just can’t really land on it. How do you accept life without your life partner? It helps to become part of this loving community mix. Thank you🌹Beth

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"Maybe for 100 days I'll indent more"... 😂 thank you!!

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My 100 day project: one photo a day - a good foto - a bad foto - it doesn’t matter. It is just to look at my world in a different way and think about what I am seeing.

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I love that you’re going into this removing the pressures of perfectionism and allowing whatever you capture to be and to teach you to see. Much love, dear Michelle ❤️

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100 days of looking at the world a different way--love that ❤️

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Spirituality of imperfection. Yes.

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After reading through these projects, I am inspired and assured that this corner of the internet is one of the best ones to be in. So glad I found this and your work, Suleika. Thank you for having the courage to share your process with us. For my 100-day project, I will make a small doodle, drawing or writing piece for a project I have been working on for the last three years but can't seem to finish - a self - exploration journal for kids :).

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I agree that this is the best corner of the internet and I’m so glad you’re here ❤️

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