Dear Suleika, I must say, I applaud you for this decision and I still can't wrap my head around what you have accomplished in the last year - the paintings, the exhibition, the talks, the concerts with Jon, the awards ceremonies..and on top of it all - The Isolation Journals! I often felt ashamed by your productivity and wondered how can you do it all, especially given your health challenges. I know you love doing what you do and I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision. So, with saying "I applaud" I mean: I will surely miss your weekly contributions, BUT I'm more than happy that you are going to take whatever amount of time you need for your healing and just "being". I'm sure our community feels very similar as I do now. And I can't be happier to welcome with open arms and heart other guest contributors. Dear Liz, welcome to our community! If it wasn't for Suleika, I wouldn't come across your wonderful work ❤️ Thank you for your essay, I'm looking forward to "meeting" you more often in this virtual space. And I totally understad why you love Pepita. Wishing you a wonderful Sunday ❤️

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Love...my mother told me (after I had just sobbed my heart out over my first love leaving for Flight school in Pensacola) that she felt, I was "unlucky in love." She was not wrong, except for one person, and that person is me. I have learned to love myself. I did not, for so very long. I would look in the miror and see not only physical flaws, but could not "lock eyes" on anything special about me. Much suffering (for reasons no need to describe) has led me back to myself. And I am better for it. Sending love to Suleika and deep, great thanks for this caring community she has created for us all.

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You crazy dog loving ladies, I’m with you, I’m so with you. I just turned 80 and I’ve downsized from German Shepherd’s and Labs to Chihuahuas. I adore my little girls. We are snowbirds, summers spent in the Hudson Valley, and winters in the sunshine state. Every minute of every day, every second of every night, my girls are with me, cuddled up in bed, stretched out on the couch, or in Queenie’s case, on the back of the couch, when I watch TV at night. Friends and family are there sometimes, but my girls are with me always. Who says you can’t buy love, you can just get a dog! PS. Most of the good breeders will rehome their breeding dogs when they’re around six years old. Baby Mama, my 6 pound Chihuahua gave birth to eight puppies throughout her life. She now is my baby, and I am so blessed to be able to give her a soft easy life. She deserves it, and you each deserve to have the crazy fun unconditional love of a dog.

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cat lover here, but relate to all you say about dogs and love. Love is love, in whatever form it takes; for me it came in a cat who wandered into my life almost 14 yrs ago. Abandoned, neglected, 4 or 5 when he came, he never lost his sweetness and desire to love and be loved. It's an honor and privilege to care for and be in the company of animals. They give us so much more than we give them, it seems to me; things I never quite learned with humans, he gave me the chance to learn how to love him unconditionally.

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I have created a children’s book series called the Doggos, With magical IPad illustrations. They are on Amazon 💖 🐶

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There isn’t a single minute of any day that I don’t think of my dogs.

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Firstly, Suleika...we love you. Rest. Elizabeth...all things dogs! Pepita is so cute! I don't have a dog at present but I used to inadvertently call one of my kids by my dog's name. "Emma!" Nancy...so interesting. My daughter is now 52-years-old. One of the clearest memories I have of her as a newborn was when I was breastfeeding her in the middle of the night. I was exhausted and not in a very good mood about it. As I turned her to allow to to nurse on the other side and she saw my face, she locked eyes with mine and smiled up at me for the first time. Bonding magic!

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thanks for sharing that story--it's really amazing how indelible those memories are. (even when you're too exhausted at the time to really think straight!)

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This prompt hits home. My partner of six years has started experiencing some cognitive decline/confusion. He is changing in ways I am not feeling equipped to handle. When I get overwhelmed or stressed I question if I am still in love. The answer always end up being yes. Last year I was hospitalized for pneumonia. This year a fracture in my back. My partner David took on all of the household chores without complaint. Walked the dogs, made all of the meals, cleaned out the commode, when I wasn't able to walk beyond a few feet of our bed. His love for me it possible for me to heal. My love for him, may not heal him, but it will or I will do everything within my power to be there for him, the same way he was there for me. Sometimes it hurts to be in love, but I recognize the great gift that love is and feel lucky to be the recipient of it.

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Liz's love letter brought me to tears, as her writing tends to do. I often think about James Baldwin's quote about the world being held together by the love of a very few people. And whether it is only a very few, or it's much more than that, I love guest posts like these that connect us to even more people who love in public. It's so hopeful.

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James Baldwin is one of my favorite authors. I love his work!

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What I’ve learned about love is our prompt. But first let me say a went to see “your flying comet” husband at Radio City Music Hall last night & I danced for most of his show. Who is sitting next to me? One gal who is in charge of the gallery in Frenchtown, NJ where you and your mum’s show is. The universe was definitely playing with us. I’m beginning thru my journey thru life and love is accept people the way they are and not the way I want them to be. A lifelong process that’s so challenging. Have a peaceful Sunday to all. Sending love! PS I wore my butterfly necklace to Jon’s show.

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Jon as a “flying comet” is such a great metaphor…. bright light for all who share his presence and music! Harriet and I were there also last night and so I wasn’t surprised that Susu needs to talk time to care for herself and she is leaving us in great hands with her friends and colleagues. Good self care is important to model.🙏

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I am superstitious about writing this. Am I setting myself up for betrayal, a falling unto my knees?

Forgive me

I write of a Shakuhachi flute

And therefore of the generous person

Who gifted me this amazing instrument

Bamboo, slight curve of the bell

Dark markings

Jinashi meaning raw bamboo

I am a fairly new student of this flute

A flute which put me in touch with

Two very generous and a bit

Mysterious people, both long-time

Players of the Shakuhachi.

Over the past couple of years

A few emails back and forth to

Japan, I received an email:

“Happy 4th of July, I am sending to you

A gift.” And so, a few days later

In the post office lobby,

I unwrapped a Shakuhachi 2.0 flute.

How else can I say this? Before

My eyes a lovely bamboo flute

And I immediately felt a kinship,

Had we met before? Another life-time?

Had this flute come to me, or

Had I returned home to my family?

Slowly now I adjust my mouth

To find the “kiss that connects”,

Where we share my breath

And make music together.

It may take five lifetimes

To fully realize this love,

This communion, sweet


Where I and thou disappear

And in unity, unique sound.

Five life-times

And each moment together

Each breath

Five life-times, fallen,

Into one Sound. 🙈🏮

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For me, once again, Mary Oliver captures best the experience with my own little Bischon mix, Oscar:

Little Dog’s Rhapsody in the Night

He puts he cheek against mine

and makes small expressive sounds.

And when I’m awake, or awake enough

He turns upside down, his for paws

in the air

and his eyes dark and fervent

“Tell me you love me,” he says.

“Tell me again.”

Could there be a sweeter arrangement? Over and over again

he get to ask.

I get to tell.

(Thank you Liz. Thank Suleika.)

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Yes, Mary Oliver. ❤️

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Liz and Pepita! Suleika, I love the dog Love here. For me, dogs are proof of the Divine and Unconditional Love. Dogs also connect human hearts and remind us to play, stretch, nap, stay curious, notice nature, walk, and love well. Thank you for this collaboration! May your Sunday be filled with snout kisses and pauses with furry paws. The interwebs love of this space is everything. So thank you, Wonder. Woof! 💛🐾🐶

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I was taught a mirror exercise by Jack Canfield, and I was told to look at myself in the mirror and say something that I appreciate. I locked eyes ( locked sounds fierce to me but let’s say I embraced eyes with myself), and behold I began to fell self-love. Look through the lens and embrace whatever is seen and discover the connection. 🥰

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I had a rough childhood and it was pounded into me that I was bad. This made me fearful and distant-if I got close it meant my badness would be discovered and I had to escape. II became a runner away from friends and potential relationships. Some of the runner remains- So I had a tremendous volume of love stored-- and over many decades it has gone outward to thousands of students, my pups, kitties, plants, and gardens. And those that I let in who stayed knowing my quirks did not mean that I was bad or neglectful- a product of what was and certainly did not be defining. And so many are gone and i smile when I think of Frederick Clayton Jackson a friend from Pasadena Playhouse, Hollywood on Wilcox, New York... he knew me when i only had a shortie nightgown and worked to take a cheap flight back to NY with my cat Sabina-- Fred always saw Hearts in his People and we love him dearly-- you know the world has bright spots- it really does-- as they go before me Sue, She igh, Danny, Ann, Denny-- Joanie-- cultivating those who are not fixated on "Bad" --we need more of.. don't we? Sending love...maemae

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Dear Suleika, I’m thrilled to see this share today. Dogs are brilliant creatures we are lucky enough to know. We have 3 sweeties, all rescues, one is snoring on my pillow behind me. I’m so grateful for anything you offer here and for Elizabeth’s beautiful love she shares with all of us. I’m happy to hear you are taking time to rest and heal, lots of love to you 💜

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Suleika, I agree that it is wonderful that you are

taking the time to care for yourself and stepping back from your weekly contributions the Isolation Journals.

Thanks to Liz and the others helping you out.

Liz, in case you are reading this comment I want you to know how much the practice of writing Dear Love letters has helped me. She is such a wonderful friend.

I am grateful for today’s prompt. I plan to respond to it ,but my response will be too personal to share here.

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Delighted to hear it, Lisa! ❤️😇

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Thank you Suleika for caring so much about this community that you have created. With all that you are going through at this time you discovered a way to keep us all connected. Indeed, a special kind of love. A love that has changed me is when we adopted our daughter. I found a quote which described how my heart felt when she was placed in my arms and my husband next to me tears in his eyes. The quote reads, You didn’t grow beneath my heart but within.

She has grown into a young woman with a huge heart full of love and compassion. Per her request, we spent her birthday last week visiting your exhibit in Frenchtown.

Gallery visit, shopping, lunch, and of course a stop at Finn’s. (This was actually our second visit to your exhibit. We went for my birthday in July. )Love was certainly in NYC last night as we got to see Jon in concert at Radio City. Love when he said at the end of the show “Love you even if I don’t know you.” Thank you Liz for sharing with us today. The prompt is inspiring and your Pepita is precious. Thanks to all who share.

Sending love 💕

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We were there too last night Gale. Jon shared with us in another way at this concert about his love and his concern for Suleika and without labeling

It’s what I felt. How vulnerable as humans we are and how generous he is to share with us to hold living prayers in our hands.🙏

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I felt that too. The medley of songs towards the end of the show felt so much a message of his love for Suleika. So beautiful.

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Suleika. Please give yourself permission to be still and have quiet time. It's necessary for healing. We all love you and wish the very best outcome for your healing. Love that you love all those precious dogs. Peace and love to you and healing prayers for your recovery.♥️

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